
Mobile Procedures

Mobile Procedures


Mobile patrols are performed by the Mobile Department. The Mobile Officers are trained at a higher level than our regular Site Officers. This means that your property is getting the highest level of attention when a Mobile Officer attends the site.

Our Mobile procedures are detailed and listed below. Please note these procedures can be altered according to the request of the client

Mobile Patrol

Patrol the entire property in the visually marked patrol vehicle, physically checking building access doors, emergency exits and patrolling outside parking area and site perimeter to ensure there are no visible signs of damage or disturbance and to deterring and preventing illegal activity and enforcing the trespass to property act. These patrols are conducted as requested by the client.

Exterior Patrol

Foot patrol of the exterior, checking the property access doors, emergency exits and site perimeter. Outside parking area, enforcing Municipal By-Laws (parking) deterring and preventing illegal activity and enforcing the trespass to property act. These patrols are conducted as requested by the client.

Interior Patrol

Foot patrol of the interior, conducting a detailed floor by floor check of hallways, office doors, fire panels, stairwells, emergency exits and monitoring property access, maintaining safety protocols for the facility deterring and preventing illegal activity and enforcing the trespass to property act. These patrols are conducted as requested by the client.

Underground Parking

Foot patrol of the underground vehicle parking areas, checking emergency exits, property access areas while deterring and preventing illegal activity and enforcing the trespass to property act. These patrols are conducted as requested by the client.